time: 8.06.2012
author: storidga
dictionary 24 hour definition
Hour | Define Hour at Dictionary.comnoun 1. a period of time equal to one twenty-fourth of a mean solar or civil day and equivalent to 60 minutes: He slept for an hour. 2. any specific one of these 24.
24-hour interval - definition of 24-hour interval by the Free.Noun 1. 24-hour interval - time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis; "two days later they left"; "they put on two performances every day"; "there are.
hour - definition of hour by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus.hour (our) n. Abbr. hr. 1. One of the 24 equal parts of a day. 2. a. One of the points on a timepiece marking off 12 or 24 successive intervals of 60 minutes, from.
24-hour urine - definition of 24-hour urine in the Medical.24-hour urine Lab medicine Urine collected in an exact period of 24 hrs, which may be indicated for arsenic, chloride and others analytes; 24HUs are collected in a.
24-hour clock system - definition of 24-hour clock system in the.24-hour clock system, a method of designating time by using the numeric sequence from 00 to 23 for the hours and the numbers 00 to 59 for the minutes in a daily cycle.
define hour | definition of houra division of time, one of the twenty-four parts of a day; sixty minutes one of the twelve points on a clock, watch, etc. marking the beginning or end of such a.
24/7 | Define 24/7 at Dictionary.com24/7 definition. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week: “This convenience store is open 24/7.” The term, which also appears as “24-7,” can be used.
What does 24-hour interval mean? definition and meaning (Free.Definition of 24-hour interval in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of 24-hour interval. What does 24-hour interval mean? Proper usage of the word 24-hour.
What does for 24 hours mean? definition and meaning (Free English.Definition of for 24 hours in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of for 24 hours. What does for 24 hours mean? Proper usage of the word for 24 hours.
Universal 24-hour Coverage - Definition of the Insurance Term.Universal 24-hour Coverage - A package that provides the most. Home › Resources › Insurance Dictionary › Universal 24-hour Coverage - Definition of the Insurance Term.
dictionary 24 hour definition Hour | Define Hour at Dictionary.com
Hour | Define Hour at Dictionary.com
T 24-Hour Care Coverage - Definition of the Insurance Term T 24.
What is 24 x 7? definition and meaning - BusinessDictionary.com.
Transient global amnesia definition - Medical Dictionary.
day legal definition of day. day synonyms by the Free Online Law.
Hour | Define Hour at Dictionary.com